Ramblings of an Alchemist
This is going to be a blog – or something like that. And it’ll be that pretty soon, I hope!
I hate legalese. I love sharing and (F)OSS. These licenses should help there.
All code examples in this blog are licensed under the MPL 2.0, which can be found in the LICENSE-MPL file. Code not written specifically for this blog are licensed as per their linked repositories, or as clarified in the blog article. Any code explicitly licensed otherwise will be clearly stated as such. The remainder of the blog’s content is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 unless otherwise noted. That is to say, you’re free to use all this with proper attribution and sharing of relevant sources!
The theme in use for this blog is the MIT-licensed Moonwalk. Any edits I have made or will make to the theme will be licensed the same.
If you’d like to use (parts of) the blog in a manner incompatible with these licenses, you can email me the what, how, and why and I might decide to grant you the non-transferrable, single use right to use it otherwise.
Ramblings of an Alchemist
Riven Skaye
is licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International